05. Serpent's Tongue

(Sentences or words in bold italic are spoken in Japanese.)

As they walked into the DADA classroom, Sunoo chatted to him about lots of rumors that flied around the castle, "Did you know last year on Valentine's, Professor Jeongguk's breakfast table was filled with owls delivering him all the love letters." Jungwon merely shook his head as they stood outside of the classroom.

Minutes later, the door opened revealing a greatly handsome man in his mid twenties who smiled brightly at his students before beckoning them into the room.

He stood infront of the class, "Hello all, I'm Professor Jeon Jeongguk ㅡ your Defence Against Dark Arts teacher." At this, the majority of the female students started fangirling at him and he didn't seem to mind their giggles at all ㅡ rather, he enjoyed it.

Then, Jeongguk said, "I want you all to be prepared for this ㅡ I am aware that it's a bit dangerous, but I'd like you to see the subject infront of you before learning about it theoretically,"

He then let loose a snake ㅡ the class yelled, scared that it'd bite them. Professor Jeon came into the view, he smiled sheepishly, "Class, don't be afraid ㅡ it's not gonna bite or anythi ㅡ " The snake had it's hood out towards the Professor who himself looked nervous, dropped his wand some where on the ground.

"This professor's a git ㅡ how could ㅡ what the bloody hell are you doing?!" Jungwon slowly rose up from his seat, he looked nervous but he went near the snake slowly. The class stared at him wide eyed as he did so.

He went further close to it and said something to it in a strange language. The snake turned to him, hood still out. The snake slowly swayed as though it was dancing to a snake charmer's song.

It gave enough time to Professor Jeon to pick up his wand and cast a spell.

"Vipera Evanesca!" The snake vanished into thin air. However, Jungwon stood there still dazed.

Jeongguk approached him, "Mr Yang, are you alright?" He shook the younger wizard slightly by his shoulder, breaking his trance.

Jungwon didn't reply but went to his seat beside Sunoo immediately. The rest of the class kept whispering to eachother while pointing at him which indeed made him feel uncomfortable.

He started trembling, alerting the Hufflepuff boy who tried to grab his hand.

"Class," Professor Jeongguk clapped, "it's alright, that snake's gone. Let's study from our books, shall we?" He said nervously.


Wherever he went, he got stares from the pupil present there. Word spread like wildfire throughout the castle. Everyone knew what had happened in the DADA classroom. Not only that they stared at him, some of them even started to fear him.

Sunoo didn't talk much to him for a whole week. That alone made him believe that maybe, he wasn't fit to a be friend. Sunghoon and Jay on the other hand were busy in their N.E.W.Ts preparation to notice what was going on. Jungwon didn't know anyone else in the castle.

One day, while he walked alone about the castle, he heard sobs and voices from the Moaning Myrtle. First he ignored it as the negligible moaning of the girls' bathroom ghost, Myrtle, who has been haunting this particular place for years and years.

When he was about to walk away, he heard an odly familiar voice, "Your father couldn't have bought you this,"

Assuming the person was bullying someone, ㅡ a girl, infact, he went inside the bathroom.

The first thing he saw was a blond boy in green robes, his age, and the girl was supposed to be in a lower year.

Without wasting much of time, Jungwon took out his wand and shot the unknown Slytherin a hex.

It hit him square in the head. The girl jumped back in fear. The blond Slytherin got up, seconds later, and he turned to where Jungwon stood, angrily.

On seeing him, the Slytherin's face twisted into amusement. "You're that hot boy, aren't you?"

Jungwon scoffed, "You're that mental, aren't you?" At this, the blond laughed.

"Call me anything you want to, but ㅡ " He dabbed his hand behind his head where the hex was hit and brought out some blood, "for this, you'll pay. You don't hurt a pureblood Slytherin of the most powerful family, Yang. . ." The boy too took out his wand.

"Your parents are so famous that I've never heard of them. . ." Jungwon smirked, proud at his own self as the blond slowly lowered his wand and glared at him. A chuckle left the Slytherin's mouth, "And you? Heard your parents were mental as they were. Where are they now, Yang?"

Jungwon's face darkened. Nobody ever mentioned his parents. Not even Sunoo did.

The blond continued, "Heard they were with The Dark Lord during the War and before the War. Is it why you're a Parselmouth?"

A slightly confused look appeared on Jungwon's angered look. What was a parselmouth?

"Will you too, try and destroy Hogwarts the school of Witchcraft and Wizadry?" The blond said as he started stepping towards Jungwon.

Why would he try to destroy his home? Jungwon thought.

Then he said, "I don't know what you're talking about ㅡ nobody mentioned my parents, ever! And I don't know what you're calling me but I reckon it's a foul name because you have a very foul personality. Also, the only person who's ever trying to destroy Hogwarts, it's you!" Then he fired another hex which hit the boy square in the face and he fell down.

Jungwon was panting heavily. The girl slowly walked up to him, "T-Thank you, thank you for saveeng me from him. I'm not good in engleesh ㅡ "

Footsteps outside the bathroom were clearly audible as the person came closer.

"Yuri!" A deep male voice yelled in a strong Japanese accent. Yuri, the girl, rushed towards the male figure and hugged him.

They started conversing rapidly in Japanese. It seemed like the boy checked for injuries. Jungwon turned towards them, immediately recognising the tall boy.

"Riki?" He said, the said boy looked at him, "Oh, Jungwon ㅡ you saved her? Thank you for that. . . she's my cousin, she's in her second year and I couldn't find her anywhere in the Hufflepuff table so I thought something might've happened. . ." He sighed while looking at the unconscious figure of the blond Slytherin that lay on the ground.

Jungwon shook his head, "If she's your sister, she's my sister too. . . it's my job to protect her like you do, then."

Riki grinned, "Thank you again though."

Yuri then smiled childishy, "Tank you, Jungwon! I vill try to learn engleeshi so I can talk to you ㅡ erm, properlee!" Jungwon couldn't help but chuckle at the cuteness of the small girl. He ruffled her hair and said something to her in a bit of Japanese he knew, "Sure. I'll learn Japanese for you then."

Delighted, Yuri gave Jungwon a toothy grin and a small clap before she bid her goodbye and left with her brother.


That evening, Sunoo and Jungwon finally had a conversation, although it was a very small one since the after-hours were starting soon.

"Sunoo, why does everyone keep calling me a Parselmouth?" Jungwon asked, confused. Sunoo kept quiet for a while before answering.

"That's because you are one, Jungwon." He said, quietly as if not willing to speak to him, to trust him. Somewhere, Jungwon felt it.

He suddenly held the boy's hand and gave it a squeeze. "You can trust me, please. I, I am not going to do something wrong. I really don't know how I spoke to that snake, please trust me." His said as his eyes shone with tears.

Sunoo was still unwilling to trust him but then, he couldn't really help himself after seeing hints of tears in his bestfriend's eyes.

So he reached out and cupped his face, "OK, I trust you. And, I'm sorry for everything I've done the past week."

Jungwon let out a shaky breath. "It's OK." He said, letting some tears spill and wiping them off right after.

"So, what am I?" He asked again.

"You're a Parselmouth, Jungwon. You can talk to snake and it's not really considered a good sign." The Hufflepuff boy said with a sad look. "That means you're the heir of Slytherin."

"I'm a Ravenclaw, though!"

"It's not how it works, I guess. Because the most recent person to speak parselmouth was Slytherin himself and only his great great great great great great grandson or daughter can talk to snakes, Jungwon."

The said boy took a minute to register it all, then, "So you reckon I might be his great grandson?" Sunoo shrugged.

"Well, I'm off now. It's after-hours in a few minutes." Jungwon nodded at him and the boys separated their ways from there.
